complaints process

Unhappy with our service?

The St Martins Medical Practice acknowledges the rights of the patient outlined within the Health & Disability Commissioners Code of Rights. We aim to provide a high quality, professional service for all patients at all times. Unfortunately, there may be occasions when you may feel dissatisfied with our service.

What can you do

If you have any complaints about the treatment or service you have received from us, we would like to know.
We encourage you to provide full details of your complaint in writing to us as soon as possible so we can fully investigate your complaint. Or you can complete the form online here

Please post (marked private & Confidential) to:

The Complaints Officer
St Martins Medical Practice
79 Wilsons Road
St Martins
Christchurch 8022
Or email:

What is important…

Please include the following details:

  • Brief description of the incident(s) that occurred
  • Time and date of incident(s)
  • Details of the action, event, process or staff member
  • Names of staff involved (if possible)
What we will do

If you make a complaint to us, we will:

  • Let you know in writing that we have received your complaint within five working days of receiving it, unless it has already been resolved to your satisfaction within that time.
  • Let you know within ten working days whether or not we feel your complaint is justified. If we need more time to investigate your complaint, we will advise you of this and why more time is needed.
Help and advice

You may wish to contact the Health and Disability Consumer Advocacy Service for further advice.
Toll free: 0800 555 050

For serious medical misconduct or if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your complaint, you can contact:

The Health and Disability Commissioner
P O Box 1791
Phone 0800 11 22 33

Code of Rights summary


Had a great exeperience, or got and idea?

If you have had the opposite type experience where you want to acknowledge some exceptional service, or even suggest an idea, then you can do this online here

Let us know here